2011-07-31 Powell Street Festival

  • 2011/08/04
  • Photography related videos

  • 2008/08/14
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  • Here are some of my favorite photography related movies/videos. More lists will be added later on. Let me know your favorites and share. :)

    1. 村の写真集/Photo Album of the Village
    2. 戀愛寫眞/College of Our Life
    3. 練習曲/Island Etude

    1. Born into Brothels
    2. Masters of Wedding Photography 1 & 2
    3. The Genius of Photography
    4. War Photographer

    Bye, professor Randy.

  • 2008/07/28
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  • CMU professor Randy Pausch passed away on July 25th.
    If you haven't got a chance to watch his "The Last Lecture", please do.
    It is inspiring and you will know what a remarkable person he is!

    The last lecture of Randy Pausch

    Nothing else..

  • 2008/07/20
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  • It has been a while not posting..

    Million Hill Winery, Okanagan Valley

  • 2008/06/10
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  • I usually take a visit to Okanagan Valley couple times in the summer. We went there early this year for fruit picking with friends. However, seems the cold weather had seriouly delayed the season. Well, a short stop at the winery is a good option, too. =)

    Eggplant Tomato Bake

  • 2008/06/04
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  • Simply, easy, fast, like a charm !

    1. slice eggplant and tomato for 1/2 inch wide
    2. dip w/ egg and Italian seasoning (optional)
    3. coat w/ bread crumbs
    4. put a slice of tomato on top, season w/ salt
    5. spread w/ Parmesan cheese on top
    6. bake w/ 400F for approx. 10-15 mins to light brown
    7. spread some more cheese or your favorite spices on top, enjoy!

    Eggplant is light in flavor and can be easily overpowered by sauces. For the recipe, you got to taste the real flavor of eggplant and tomato. The bread crumb adds a bit crunchiness to the taste. Try and see if you like it. :D

    My Blueberry Nights

  • 2008/05/27
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  • 對於王家衛導演主導的片,我總是有點敬畏。並非拍的不好還是如何,而是王導的片在個人的刻板映象中,總是過於"藝術"。而我這藝術細胞不足的,就會昏昏欲睡。 也因為如此,這部片放在檔案中許久,遲遲沒拿出來。或許因為沒帶著過多的期盼來看這部片,看過之後,卻是不得不驚嘆。
    Norah Jones的生澀演技搭配自彈自唱的配樂真的是再柔順不過。Jude Law這演技派的當然不在話下,故事劇情就不多說了,很多人應該都已經看過,IMDB 7/10的評價,還沒看過? 趕快去看阿。
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