woohoo ! Let's Joost !

  • 2007/05/11
  • Labels:
  • Joost™ the best of tv and the internet

    “Joost is a new way of watching TV on the internet. With Joost, you get all the things you love about TV, including a high-quality full-screen picture, hundreds of full-length shows and easy channel-flipping." - Joost
    Last night, just got a Joost invitation from Mr. /Ms. Days. (Thank you!) I was reading news about Joost yesterday and happened to see their site. Then, got the invitation from them right away. (You have saved me life. I am eternally grateful (tears..))

    Anyways, I then tested this little gadget right away. The interface is awesome, pretty and very easy to use. There are lists of channels to choose. You can subscribe channels to your channel list and watch it later or share with friends. One interesting things is that you can either make your own widgets or choose from what they already have, like notes and chat rooms.

    So far, Joost’s video quality is better than any P2P stream video software that I have tested. In other words, you need lots of bandwidth to watch the video. From the officials, approx. 320MB download and 105MB upload will be used to watch for an hour. Approx, 1G will be used for 10 hours of watching. Well… I think, it’ll be fine for most users if you are not turning it on 24/7 everyday, or will you? lol… I haven’t tested it on TV yet, but someone had his Mac-mini connected to HDTV and seems the quality is still good so far. If you have a large LCD, I think that’s more than enough… (at least for me :P)

    I haven’t found lots of settings for video and sound quality, maybe they are working on it or they just want to make things simple. Depends on your bandwidth, you might notice the video will disconnect for few seconds some times. Another is that you will see Joost’s logo and commercials several times during watching, which might be annoying for some people, but it’s probably their way to make this thing “rooted” in your mind, like brain wash. lol…

    If you need an invite, leave a comment with your working email.
    I am more than happy to spread invites out. :)


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