原文參考自某國外網站.. 找到再補上.
(Reference: .. forgot.. )
1. Sunny 16 Rule
- Bright Sunny Day [ f/16, 1/ISO sec]
- Beach [f/22, 1/ISO sec]
- Cloudy - Bright Day [f/11, 1/ISO sec]
2. Moony 11, 8, 5.6 Rule
- Full Moon [f/11, 1/ISO sec]
- Half Moon [f/8, 1/ISO sec]
- 1/4 Moon [ f/5.6, 1/ISO sec]
3. Camera Shake Rule
- slowest shuttle speed for safely hand held
= 1/ focal length of the lens
- i.e. 50mm -> 1/60 S.S.
4. Anatomical Grey Card
a) Metering off an 18% neutral gray card is a good way to get a mid-tone reading that will give a good overall exposure.
b) Hold your hands up so it's facing the lights, take a reading of your palm, open up one stop, and shoot
5. Depth of Field
- When focusing a deep subject, focus on a point about a third of the way into the picture to maximize DOF, because the DOF zone behind the point is twice as deep as DOF zone in front of it.
6. Exposure Rule
- The classic advice is, "Expose for the highlights."
This works with slide film and digital.
7. Sunset Rule
- To get a properly exposed sunset, meter the area directly above the sun (w/o including the sun). If you want the scene to look like it's a half-hour later, stop down by one f-stop, or set exposure compensation to minus one.
16 years ago
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